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Thursday, May 17, 2007

Shore Conference Seeds

The seeds for this weekend's Shore Conference Championship Meet are out. Here's the link.

After glancing through the seeds, my first question is this: On what planet did those Asbury Park kids get those seed jumps? A 124-foot triple jump? A 55-foot long jump? Are their home meets on the moon? I've printed some strange things myself, but I'd probably hold off on printing a jump that was three times better than the next best jump.

That next-best jump happens to be Emanuel Mayers, who before the seeding meeting, looked to have a good shot at winning four events this weekend. Well, add one onto that possibility, because the Lakewood senior is entered five indivdual events this weekend. On top of the two hurdles events, the triple, and the long jump, Mayers will take on the Cox brothers in the 400-meter dash. Logic suggests he will scratch from something, but if anyone can give five first-place-quality performances at a meet like this, it's Mayers.

No Kerone Rhoden in the 100? I'll need to look into that one.

Middletown South has some serious speed in the 3,200. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess those are typos.

As expected, Craig Forys has the meet off. The mile is wide open, and the 800 and 3,200 should be close races too.

The weather is supposed to be crummy this weekend, and there's a chance this meet could be a one-day affair. We're supposed to have a decision on that front by noon on Friday.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can't run five events. Simple track and field rule. Might want to know that one.

May 18, 2007 at 7:58 AM  
Blogger Matt Manley said...

Well then in addition to logic suggesting he scratches from something, the rules do as well. Thanks for pointing that out.

I talked to Lakewood Coach Skip Edwards last night and Mayers seemed to be leaning towards scratching in the 400 only because he had to leave early Friday. But based on performance, it sounds like it'll be the long jump, especially now that everything is going down on Saturday. I hope so, because Charles Cox and Mayers are the two best short-track atheletes around and they rarely go head-to-head. That would be a nice treat.

May 18, 2007 at 12:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Forys will not compete in Shore Conference and yet the APP will give him track athlete of the year while Charles Cox will compete every weekend, win championships for his team and come out second best. Makes sense to me.

May 18, 2007 at 12:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

charles cox also took down a 25 year state record....and has a top national time in multiple events? forys doesnt need to compete everyw eek cause hes already soldified himself.

May 19, 2007 at 3:56 PM  

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