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Monday, April 30, 2007

Penn Relays Video

I meant to post this over the weekend, but it slipped my mind . If you'd like to watch video, the website is On the left are the links to the Penn Relays, days 2 and 3, which would cover all the high school boys stuff.

The quality leaves a little to be desired, especially if you want to focus on an athlete who's not at the front of the pack. Still, it's a nice feature and there is some good footage in there, including Forys' 4:04.4 mile split in the DMR (Day 2). The audio for the DMR is interesting as well. The two commentators declare the event a five-man race during the first leg of the 1600. At the time, none of those men included Forys, but in the beginning of the third leg, you'll hear the PA announcer start to get into it and eventually Forys coming hard on the outside.

Unfortunately, there's nothing up for Manny Mayers' 400 hurldes win, which would be a must-watch if it was there. It was a very compelling race from start to finish and the ending was bananas. I had a poor angle to view the finish, but it looked like Mayers could have won without Johnny Dutch tripping on the last hurlde. Lakewood coach Skip Edwards had a better angle, and said his guy had him, regardless of the slip-up. Hopefully, the website has that footage eventually, but with it being a 9 a.m. race, I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't have it.

Monmouth's 4x400 relay is the second-to-last high school boys heat. That one is good too. Charles Cox had an unbelievable last leg, which I incorrectly reported as 48 seconds. It was unofficially in the high 46-low 47 range.

I'll provide the links to each area school at some point this week to make viewing easier. Until then, do your best, or just post a question and I'll find the athlete(s) or heat you're looking for.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shame you couldn't get the Manny Mayer hurdles run. I heard it was insane!!!! Forget bananas, I nearly lost my coconuts! Cox is unbelievable, and I think the whole area should serve notice. Nice coverage, and next time we should have you do the commentary for the video. By the way, if you were running a race, which leg would you rather run and why?

May 1, 2007 at 8:38 AM  
Blogger Matt Manley said...

Glad to hear your coconuts are intact. Yeah the Mayers race was crazy, although I did feel bad for Johnny Dutch. He's got plenty of accolades to fall back on, but he seem pretty crushed about losing. I emailed the website to see if they could get it up, so we'll see.

As far as which leg I'd want to run, I think I'd go for the 400. A year ago, it would have been the mile or perhaps the two mile, but I've kinda fallen out of shape since I started working full time at the APP. But I still feel explosive enough to sprint. I stole like 10 bases during my club baseball season last spring, so I still have some Kenny Lofton in me. Shout out to Rutgers Club Baseball.

May 1, 2007 at 7:01 PM  

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