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Friday, April 27, 2007

Penn Update

Just wanted to clarify CBA's 4x800 situation. Kyle Havard did indeed miss the race with an injury, one that coach Karl Torchia described as a "slight pull.'' They also reshuffled the order of the relay to try to get out in front, with Mike Slater and Brendan Pierson running the first two legs, and Christian Yuskevich and Charlie Rooney finished up. The team's reasoning was that with the wet conditions, it would be too difficult to erase any deficit, and they would rather build a lead and try to protect it.

The group was happy with its performance given the circumstances, but you have to wonder what could have been. Torchia himself said he thinks his team would have run 4-5 seconds faster without the Havard injury, which would have been more than enough improvement to propel the Colts the championship heat tomorrow.

Personally, I blame the ghosts of Franklin Field. They wouldn't take too kindly to a kid named Havard (with the Boston pronunciation too) making noise on their Penn campus.

The Distance Medley looks like it won't go off until between 8 and 8:30 p.m. With that, I'd like to propose a trade: I'll update the Penn Relays if someone gives me Bulls-Heat updates. Stay tuned.


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