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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Stay Classy

Upon losing to Manny Mayers at Saturday's Shore Conference triple jump, Freehold Township jumper Marcus Goode's reaction could be summed up by Ron Burgandy's words to his dog Baxter after Baxter ate the entire wheel of cheese in Anchorman: "I'm not even mad. I'm impressed."

Goode appeared more honored than discouraged about losing to Mayers (you can't be too mad if you jump 44-2), exchanging pleasantries with Mayers after the event while looking as if he just won it.

Such has been the overall take on the Lakewood standout throughout the Shore Conferece. Mayers has been, unequivocally, the best athelte at the Shore Conference gatherings, and if not for Craig Forys' record-setting season, my choice for APP Athlete of the Year would already be made.

But with Forys running near four-minute miles and Charles Cox getting pissed off (more on that in Saturday's notebook), Mayers has not locked up anything. But as of right now, Mayers has ran, hurdled, and leaped his way to the front of the athlete of the year discussion, and his performance over the last two weekends has had me looking for a way to avoid giving him athlete of the week. I may have no choice but to give it to him this week, even though I already gave it to him for his Penn Relays win and could still be forced to consider him for one of his State performances.

It's a dilemma of sorts, but then again, how do I not give it to him this week? Mayers broke two meet records on Saturday, while no one else even won two events. While many athletes were resting by running one (i.e. Kerone Rhoden, the Jackson distance runners) or no events (Forys, Ashley Higginson), Mayers "rested" by competing in three (he was signed up for five and deciding not do do a fourth in order to save his legs). We usually try to spread the wealth when it comes to athletes of the week in all sports, but when you're good you're good.

This weekend should be interesting, especially in Central Jersey Group III, where Charles Cox and Kerone Rhoden will meet in the 200-meter dash again. The two have developed a pretty intense rivalry over the last couple of weeks, and it continues at Monmouth High School on Friday and Saturday.

Mayers will attempt his third straight weekend triple, this time at the state level. Piners coach Skip Edwards said Mayers would be entered in five events again this weekend, and would decide what he wanted to do on the day of the meet, as he did this past Saturday.

In Central Group IV at Hillsborough High School, Jackson should do well in the 800-3200, and Craig Forys will win what he feels like running.

I'll preview the five sectional meets that will feature Shore Conference athletes in this Saturday's notebook. Keep an eye out for that and more as the week progresses.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You say if not for Forys's records your choice would be already made. Forys does not run a full schedule while Mayers and Cox go above and beyond. Cox wins his school state titles yet Forys gets the athlete of the year awards when he cherry picks his races. During indoor Cox led Monmouth to its second straight title and finished second at nationals, Forys on the other hand skips part of the season, finishes one place better in nationals and he wins the Shore's athlete of the year. The award should be for a whole season and not a partial schedule.

May 26, 2007 at 3:32 PM  

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