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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

All Shore Ballot (A North)

The All Shore Issue is set for Saturday, Dec. 8 and I'm sure a lot of you will find out who is on the team based on the phone calls I'll eventually make to the kids. But until then, I thought we could have some fun with it by doing an All-Shore Fan Ballot.

Here's how it will go: I'll put up a division each day, with four separate polls for each position within a given division. Vote for four (4) players at each field position (F, M, Def.) and one GK. I'll close the poll after about 24-36 hours and then move on to the next one. The top four vote-getters at each position will be placed on the All-Shore ballot, which will probably go up sometime at the end of next week. A North is up first. Enjoy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Matt, I love the idea of using the divisions to pick an All-Shore team but I think A-North may be treated a little unfairly in this situation.

For example, does B-Central really warrant an equal number of players as A-North?

I think the defense is where this disparity may be found the most. In my opinion... Lannon, Russo, Kappock, Smith, Dicharo and DeJohn all deserve some serious consideration. Can the same be said about 2 or even 3 players from the smaller divisions?

November 20, 2007 at 7:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This was a good idea. And to the poster above, I think Matt will definitely see how strong A-North is and that will reflect in the number of players selected on the 3 teams. I think teams that went deep in states should get kids on the team because of their great play. Man and CBA had good runs and I think Liapis, Mergenthaler, and Rice will move up and be on 2nd teams maybe? Semen 3rd. I'd say Quintano is a lock (POY) and Lannon should be a lock.

November 20, 2007 at 8:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would be surprised if Rice isn't 1st team based on his impact and importance for Manalapan plus comparable stats, Liapis has strong case for 2nd team as he was great in states, although he disappeared at times during the season. Scioring 15 goals in A-North and States is impressive. Mergenthaler, I don't think he really affected games that significantly this year for CBA the way Liapis or Lannon did, and I think that some players from the lesser divisions are more deserving for 2nd/3rd team in the midfield. Lannon probably will get first team, but CBA had like 1 shutout this year so they weren't exactly dominant defensively. I would be quicker to give defenders from Manalapan or Howell or Jackson etc recognition b/c those teams were able to garner plenty of shutouts all-year against A-North/A-South competition, while CBA wasn't able to the same. However, those teams also have stronger goalkeepers so that would be a defense for the shutout argument against Jimmy. He definately is a hard-worker and was instrumental for CBA this year. GQ poy absolutely, KB would have given him a run if he had played the first time thru against A-North at full strength, but GQ was dominant all year and has the stats to back that up

November 20, 2007 at 9:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A north treated unfairly- I think your nuts- A north has been treated more than fairly- As far as B -Central there is some great players that play in this Division, Pahler, Novoa, Gustanini, Scarpino, Beradino, Guadonuo, Portman Etc.. I know you have not see any of these kids play yet you make comments like they can not play.

November 21, 2007 at 4:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can about 6 or 7 players from smaller divisions that warrant some serious consideration- your showing no class if you think A north is only divison that has great players

November 21, 2007 at 4:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to thank Midd North for making a mockery of the defensive vote. I am sure the second best defender on your TEAM was the top defender in the DIVISION. Great stuff really. Congrats to Lannon, Kappock, Russo and Smith for being the true top 4 defenders in the division.

November 21, 2007 at 10:29 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I am 100 percnt postive that Middletown North owns at soccer!!!
you r n00bz

November 21, 2007 at 12:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i <3 mike yabroudy
he pwn3z so much
so does chris broglia. best sweeper
and bobby dimaiolo

November 21, 2007 at 12:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I Think it is a shame when some see this poll as a joke and others see it for the regonition to good players. Having said that, I do think the Midd North Def is deserving of the praise he is getting (#1 I don't think so).

November 21, 2007 at 1:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike Yabroudy is the best left defender, but he does not get recognized because his team is not 1 of the best teams.

November 21, 2007 at 1:24 PM  
Blogger Matt Manley said...

First of all, the results of these polls won't determine the all-shore team. It's just to let the people who have been following all year pick out the players they think are the best. Maybe we'll move to something like this in the future, but for now, it's just an experiment.

I have a pretty good idea of how the divisions ranked and the way the voting is structured, no player can get the shaft. The top four from each division make it, so if you don't make the top four in your division, you weren't going to make top-four in the Shore. Any difference in opinion regarding the divisions would be reflected in the final vote.

November 21, 2007 at 1:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Matt I Think we all know that the poll does not mean anything in regards to All Shore. People are just trying to give rec to some of the top players. Everyone relax and enjoy the poll. Good Job Matt

November 21, 2007 at 1:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

goalie wise.... jake should be on first team all shore and first team all state the kid single handly carried his team

mcdonough should be up there for second team all A north and all shore say what you want he won shore conference and had 14 shutouts

November 21, 2007 at 2:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the person who wrote 3rd, I agree with your points. Rice should be 1st team probably. And yes, Georgie POY. He's a great player. Lannon and Liapis had a great impact on CBA, but Mergenthaler arguably had just as big of an impact. I think he had 9 goals and about 10 assists, a few of his assists weren't recorded in the Press. When he moved to center mid after the Manalapan loss, they started playing with more heart. Overall, I think Matt will pick a good group of kids, he mad it to a bunch of games.

November 21, 2007 at 2:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it true that George is going to Rutgers?

November 21, 2007 at 2:52 PM  
Blogger anonymous said...

i kind of feel sorry for the kids that are not getting any votes. is it because their names did not appear in the papers and nobody really knows them.

November 21, 2007 at 3:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to the goalie post...

i agree with you that jake should be first team all shore

but then it comes down to mcdonough n morgans...morgans has more saves then mcdonough but morgans let up 5 goals to manlapan while mcdonough shut them out twice howell does have a great Dee but i would have to agree with you on this that McDonough gets the nod slightly over morgans( who is a great goalie) just wins matter more n mcdonough has more wins and bigger games

November 21, 2007 at 3:56 PM  
Blogger anonymous said...

as far as cba i think the edge should go to mergenthaler. yes liapus had goals in the state games but if we chose a player based solely on post season how many great players might get left out. i think that mergenthaler had a better season then liapus who was not always consistent. there are teams that did not go far in states but had players who had outstanding seasons. that has to count for something regardless of what division they are in.

November 21, 2007 at 4:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree in regards to goalkeeers. Jake should be 1st team. I think Morgans is a far better keeper, but the award should go to the player who had the best season. I think Jake's season ended better and he should recognized for that. Well Jackson had a good team I think it is easy to agree that Howell had far more talent which is why they will have a few players on the all-shore team. For that reason I give Morgans second team. Although Jake gets first team time will show that McDonough and Morgans will have more successful future as all their careers move forward.

November 22, 2007 at 8:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All three are good keepers but Jake has the best instincts which is why he is and will continue to be the top of the group. His "big-save" ability is huge and his reactions/instincts make him a top-notch keeper. As with any player he will need to keep training, especially on his footwork and agility, but his shot-stopping ability is ready for the next level. If he was weak anywhere before this year it was his willingness to attack crosses and corners in the air, and he improved greatly this season and became much more confident coming out for the ball. Jake is commanding in the box and that is a key for any goalkeeper, making sure the other team is aware of him all the time.

Alex is probably the most athletic as far as jumping ability and reactions, but he is not as authoritative as he could be. Like Jake, he is able to make the acrobatic save once a game that keeps his team in the game and keeps the shutouts alive. Obviously, as the keeper for MFA and with his future at RU he is extremely talented, and best of luck to him in the future. As far as All-Shore is concerned I think he gets the short end of the stick b/c he lost 5-0 to Manalapan and b/c Manalapan's D had a very impressive run in states that was anchored by Jake.

Brian has the ability to be a great keeper and clearly is already very good as evidenced by his great year for Howell. I think he lacks some of the instincts that Jake has and that makes it more difficult for him to come up with the "once a game, unbelievable save". However, he has also become stronger and more confident both coming out for the ball in the air and attacking shots. He is hurt for All-Shore b/c he is stuck behind two very talented keepers, but I think he deserves an All-Shore slot b/c of his shutout numbers and the success Howell had.

Only other keeper I think could have a legitimate argument for All-Shore is Roura from Mid South, but he was hurt for part of the year and MS was just too bad for even his best performances to result in anything less than losses.

November 22, 2007 at 12:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rice is a good player but not 1st team all-shore with some of the top midfielders. He had a great team around him which made him look better. Put him on any team other than the depth of Manalapan or Howell where he would have to carry his team, Rice could not do it.

November 25, 2007 at 10:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how did the all shore team get selected... the top 4 players in each position got put on a ballot... which gives you 16 players in a north for forward mid and def. then one gk... did all of those 16 players on the ballot make the first second and third team all shore?

June 1, 2008 at 5:59 PM  

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